TRADUCOM SRL a devenit centru de pretestare gratuită pentru examinări Cambridge, autorizat de Cambridge English Language Assessment. Pentru mai multe informaţii şi inscriere, apăsaţi AICI!
Recomandă Centrul de limba engleză

DROP 10 - Today simply read in English and enjoy it

Behind every successful man, there is a woman, but behind every successful woman is there a man?

Simply read in English and enjoy it!

10 Simple Ways to Show Your Sincere Interest in Others

Make Your Greeting Stand Out - take 10 seconds and make them feel like the most important person on this earth.
Use Their Name - In all of your communication, written or verbal, first time or repeated, make it a point to use a person’s name.
Listen With Interest - Listening with interest signifies that you really care about what they are saying in contrast to simply listening because it is the polite thing to do.
Ask Questions - Asking questions generally stimulates a person to talk about their interests and themselves.
Acknowledge People - When you go out of your way to acknowledge people (recognize their value and importance) you will make a positive impression on them.
Show Respect - When you show people respect, your actions express your interest in them.
The Old Fashion Way - One of the best ways to demonstrate the importance of a relationship is to call someone just to see how they’re doing.
Offer Genuine Compliments - When you take an extra 10 seconds to offer people a genuine compliment, your interest in them can have an impact far bigger than you know.

When you show an interest in others and the things that are important to them, they will show an interest in you and the things that are important to you!

Încercaţi să utilizaţi cât mai puţin dicţionarul englez-român.
Folosiţi-vă cât mai mult memoria şi imaginaţia!
Pe parcursul săptămânii, exersaţi aceste mici dialoguri în gând, în diferite locuri sau momente ale zilei!

Please, do NOT study grammar at this stage.  
Use your imagination and memory intensively.

News on site!!

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